Interview with Acidez


MMP – How did the band get started?

Acidez – Current drummer started the band in 2003 with other former members including former vocalist Carloi
The Reason Only the dream of having a band and share with friends

MMP – What kind of music do you play?

Acidez – Is punk or street punk
by the type of sound and aesthetics we use but we love to call it
punk thrash n roll because we love thrash And rock n roll music And
We combine genres but without going to do crossover

MMP – How has the fan response been?

Acidez – People respond well was a difficult way to achieve to be heard by many that there are many envy but it worked out and people began to listen
when we get the third album where the music sounds more thrash  we get people from the metal scene put attention to our band and it was a good achievement
as we try to unite these scenes without prejudice or bad judgment simply to enjoy the rock together

MMP –  Where did the band name come from?

Acidez – haha comes dictionary nauj drummer was in search of something that had meaning not only for having a name that nice to hear but it forward way we are
and the meaning is that the acid is corrosive enclose need to contain as the punks if you dont isolate .together we can become corrosive or dangerous for society

MMP – Introduce the band members and what they do in the band?

Acidez – Tupa : vocals
Rodo insaniac : guitar And back vocals
Nauj : drumms

MMP – Who writes the music? Lyrics?

Acidez – All cooperate to make lyrics but leading control and creativity are tupa and nauj. and as for the music (riffs) Me and rodo Insaniac we created toghether

MMP – And where do the lyric ideas come from?

Acidez – Are political lyrics which talk about problems and lifestyle of our country as we like to talk about Satan, because we hate religion and we like to make fun of society .
among other things

MMP – What is your view in Satanism and Occultism?

Acidez – Do not get me wrong we are not Satanists do not believe in any higher entity we just like to make fun of the people who see it as a bad thing . but occultism is an issue that I personally could not speak because I do not have much knowledge on the subject

MMP – How many albums/CD’s have you released?

Acidez – Three albums which are called
No hay futuro
Dont ask for permission
Beer drinkers survivors

MMP – Tell me about some the songs on the latest CD?

Acidez – Yes camino al infierno a song that is not a political point but we mock the religion and talk about us like a journey to hell to meet with satan.
Acido corrosivo  a song where we project the evolution of sound we achieved something more thrash but respecting our hardcore punk genre

MMP – Do you have any side projects?

Acidez – Not for the moment . I once had a  glammrock band  but did not last long. We made good songs but we never  find a vocalist

MMP – Who are some of your musical influences?

Acidez – For me the casualties , Exploited, Toxic Holocaust , Overkill , Inepsy , Dogsflesh, Megadeth, Motorhead

MMP – Which current bands?

Acidez – Havok, Terror Hammer, Ewig Frost , Breakout , Gewapend Beton,
City Rats

MMP – What is the band like when you play live?

Acidez – I think we have good energy at the shows sometimes more than others but we always try to convey a good feeling.
I think we still need to polish some details but we are satisfied with what we’ve done

MMP – Have you guys ever played in another country?

Acidez – I think we have played in roughly 16 countries Europe and Latin America

MMP – How big of crowd shows up at shows usually?

Acidez – Shows usually are sometimes less than 500 people in more big shows can be approximately 1000-6000

It depends on the event

MMP – How is the crowd response when you play?

Acidez – The public responds very well even though they dont know us we have good response
very energetic public

MMP – When do you guys plan on writing any new material?

Acidez – In fact we are to finish the new material soon start recording studio
you’ll love this new material

MMP – What does the future hold for the band??

Acidez – I think what we expect is to have more success and share our music live in different countries and cultures but who knows what the future brings new obstacles appear always I hope it’s a successful future for us.

Thank you very much for the interview / Soti – Aciedez
