Total Lunar Eclipse?


Total Lunar Eclipse?

MetalDays fans! For all the nerds out there, but also for our dreamers : did you know, that you will have an unique chance to enjoy MetalDays festival AND follow Total Lunar Eclipse?

I know you didn’t, but we do! Total Lunar Eclipse will begin on 27 Jul, 21:30:15, reaching its maximum eclipse at 22:21:44 and ending at 23:13:11. Which means that somewhere between Cannibal Corpse and Epica on Lemmy stage and Goatwhore and Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult on Second stage, our Moon will vanish and come back again!

How epic is that?
We will take care of good music in between, however you need to take care of all the party and good weather with no clouds, yes, that is on you! 🙂

Now all that is left is to get the tickets and book your holidays.

See you in Tolmin this summer!
