Interview With Bloodsoaked


I Had Pleasure to talk with Peter Hasselbrack from Bloodsoaked.

MMP-At what age did you start playing music?Peter – I started playing guitar at the age of 15-16 I think.  I had always been into heavier music and wanted to play guitar.  My first guitar was a shitty little Kramer but to me it was the best ever.

MMP-How did you start out as a musician?Peter- After getting my first guitar and trying to learn songs from Metallica and others I had the chance to join a Thrash band called Deslok.  I played guitar and sang back-up vocals.  I was very excited to join Deslok and to be playing in a real band.



MMP- What bands are you influenced by.
PeterMostly old school Death Metal bands such as Obituary, Deicide, Pestilence, Sepultura and Malevolent Creation.  I like the simple bands playing simple songs with good chorus.
MMP- What year did the band start out.
PeterBloodsoaked the band start in 2006 with just me.  I added a second guitarist for a few months, it didn’t work out so I went back to having only me in the band.


MMP- How many albums do you have out & where can fans buy them.
Peter Bloodsoaked has 4 albums out now and they can all be bought from Comatose Music, iTunes and many other online places.


MMP- Who all is in the band & plays what.
PeterAt this time it’s only me again.  For the past 2 years I had Joseph Darling on second guitar but he recently left the band.  I play the guitars, bass and vocals on the albums and the drums are programmed by Shane McFee.  Shane also mixed and mastered the last few Bloodsoaked albums
MMP-Where is the band located?
PeterRaleigh, NC (USA)
MMPWhat bands would you like to tour with?

Peter- I would love the chance to tour with any of the big Death Metal Bands (Cannibal Corpse, Nile, Behemoth) so more fans can hear and see Bloodsoaked.

MMPIs there anything you’d like to say to the fans out there.

Peter- Thank you for all the Death Metal fans around the world, without you we are nothing.


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