MMP-At what age did you start playing music.
Paul Speckmann – I began as a singer at the age of 14 in a local band called Whitecross!
MMP-How did you start out as a musician.
Paul Speckmann – picked up a bass at 17 years old and taught myself how to play!
MMP-What bands are you influenced by.
Paul Speckmann – Black Sabbath, GBH, Motorhead and Iron Maiden, Di’anno era!
MMP-What year did the band start out.
Paul Speckmann – Master began in 1983.
MMP-How many albums do you have out & where can fans buy them.
Paul Speckmann – over 30, master-speckmetal.net
MMP-Who all is in the band & plays what.
Paul Speckmann – Speckmann- bass and vocals, Pradlovsky -drums, Nejezchleba-guitars
MMP-Where is the band located.
Paul Speckmann – Czech Rep
MMP-What bands would you like to tour with.
Paul Speckmann – We tour with different bands every year.
MMP-Is there anything you’d like to say to the fans out there.
Paul Speckmann – Sure, support the underground.
MMP – Thank You Paul Speckmann
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